Walmart Health Dallas Price List

This price list displays prices for patients paying without insurance. If you are insured, please visit our insurance page for more information.

3615 Charles Hardy Pkwy Unit 200

Dallas, GA 30157

770-863-7200Insurance Accepted
Schedule now

Be advised that your insurance may require a copay or other patient cost share amount based upon the services provided during your visit. For all patients, if you require lab services or other diagnostic services, or use your appointment to address any medical concerns that are not part of your scheduled appointment, you may incur additional costs.

You are responsible for any patient amounts prior to, or at the conclusion of your visit, including charges that may post after the visit due to insurance determinations. Please check with your insurer prior to receipt of services, to confirm any patient responsibility amounts.

Prices are as of 04/22/2024 and are subject to change.

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